29 September 2008

Women you can do anything!

I had a huge discussion/debate about whether girls are better than boys at sport.

Obviously there are some things women can do that men can't like walking/running/dancing in heels/stillettoes, just because the way our bodies are built and the way we condition ourselves. A female friend of mine said ' if you spend 3/4 hours in heels and can run without falling over in them you can do free running just because you have the balance ... I would love to see a boy run/ walk in heels without complaining he is crippled'. This attitude I think helps us break the gender barriers around spot for females.
I have noticed when a girl wants to partake in a masculine sport like Rugby or football she is considered a lesbian, but women need to break these sterotypes and embrace sport. Even if she ignores the homophobic gossip/ chants boys look on her like an object of sexual desire like male friend of mine said 'any girl who free runs is sexy and I would bang her any day'.
This lead to a rebuking from the girls and told him that that kind of attitude is demeaning and uncalled for as we are more than a set of breasts, we can do anything a boy can do and better sometimes.
Girls have a tendency to pick movements instinctively correctly, where as a boy will do it but in his own way the first time they are shown how to do something. This shows we can learn skills that boys would learn incorrectly.

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