My all knowing mother, asked me to help her understand the newest youth social group - The EMO!
This social group was first noticeable as a fashion clique in 2003 and behave basically like a modern Hamlet, depressed, middle/upper class, angst ridden and have everything the need but say they have nothing to live for.
How to spot an EMO-
Emo guys usually have shaggy hair, that covers a majority of their forehead and eyes. Much like the girls, they like to dye their hair dark colors. Especially black. When it comes to their clothing, emo boys usually sport under sized clothing. A lot of them will wear girls pants. When it comes to their shirts, they like the vintage look. Much like the girls again, emo boys like to have facial piercings. Emo girls hair is shorter than what must girls have. They like to dye their hair black and cut their bangs uniquely. Jewelry is a big part of their fashion. Body piercings, and facial piercings are very common among girls. Girls and boys tend to purchase all their clothing at thrift store. However, many emo kids will make their own clothing or mod their own clothes to fit they look they are going after. Girls and boys that are emo share the same taste when it comes to fashion. Glassed which are horn rimmed are quite popular, along with bags cluttered with patches. They also wear suspiciously long sleeves/fingerless gloves to hide the scars where they cut themselves.
The largest EMO gathering site in London would be Camden Lock, a more happy version of EMO is the scene kid.
They are the opposite of the 1960's hippies, as this is our generation the future is depressing for us, no hope or chance of a youth revolution.
Links for those who want to know more;
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