08 September 2008


I got in to my final year of Sixth Form, now studying Music, Theatre and English Literature. I only got in because I grovelled to my music teacher and promised to play my Saxophone 1 hour a day, lucky me eh?
This school year I hope to do the following;
get voluntary work
practice all my instruments
get music theory grade 6 +
Get my poetry published
use my jazz poetry in the Roundhouse Jazz band
Enter some poetry compitions
swimming, Pk training and yoga
get a gym membership
experiment with more poetic forms
save money
get alto saxophone repaired
keep my room tidy
record poetry for artist myspace
reinvent wardrobe
top up phone £10 monthly
be optimistic
see more gigs and concerts
plan 18th Birthday party with my mum
use my study periods for studying not going to get food and jam with friends

Not very interesting but i will let you all now how far I am coming along with it!

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