02 September 2009

Something from nothing

I will lie for you,
upon this bed,
stripped down to the soul,
Where you take your mouth
your lips your hands
I do not know and dont wish to know
I am nothing,
I ask you to use my power
turn me in to something

Can you do it?
Have I asked you for too much?
Love me like a woman loves a man
Like a mother loves a child
like an artist loves thier blank canvas
and a poet to pen and paper

Turn me in to something
Take my empty space
In my mouth, in my ears and between my legs
Fill it with kisses, words and most importantly life

You just add those ingrediants
let me work my magic
I have asked too much of you
so let me do my 'woman job'

Creating something out of nothing
Absolutely anything the imagination creates

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