The image of the modern man is something to be questioned. Who wants to date something like this (bottom image)? He looks like a girl, you could snap him in half when you hug him and not a hint of body hair!
To me a masculine male should look like this( see top image), charming, intelligent and some chest hair (maybe a tatoo too). Some one who wont break when you hug him or break you. Not a caveman but not a wax work model, something in between.
I think the physical activities taken by a masculine man should be focused on maintaing the sculptured physique, cards (but not gambling) and dance (if a man can dance just think what other partnered pursuits he would be good at).
He should be a gentleman but unobtursively exert some authority like 'Rhett' in 'Gone with the Wind'.
just because now a days boys has less hair then you does not mean they are disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself judging people by the way they look, when you should look in the mirror. Who would want to date a girl who has to shave more then they do?
Do us a favor, and keep your preeching to yourself NO ONE CARES.
My dear you make me laugh,
I think you have not read the entire post. I did not say that a hairless man was disgusting. And why should I be ashamed to make my opinion. If you had read the post properly you will see that my view also contians what my ideal man is like in personality and temperment. I also am not ashamed to say I may not be everyones vision of beauty and I don't shave more than every other girl does. Also if you think that no-one cares, then why did you go to the effort of leaving a comment? Next time you feel to make a reactionary comment you should be big enough to leave your name.
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